Thursday, March 7, 2013

Edinburgh: National Monument

While in Edinburgh, Mariah and I made our way to the National Monument on Carlton Hill.  The view from the top of the hill was pretty incredible.

I like this message.  Also, hidden poo-ers.  Haha. Ha.

This one.

Two nice Spanish guys were kind enough to take our picture for us.  Actually, if it hadn't been for them we would have never made it up on to the monument.  I'm sure you're technically not supposed to climb it, but it seemed like everyone was doing it.  The problem is that there's a ledge about 6 inches deep, 3 or 4 feet off the ground, and then the next step is another two feet or so up.  Other than that narrow ledge, there aren't really any toe holds.  

The Spanish guys were from Salamanca, which is about two hours west of Segovia.  I got to practice my Spanish with them a little; they said that that area is really good for learning Spanish, since "there's no accent, it's pure Castilian .  That made me laugh.  My teachers say the same thing.  I understand that learning Castilian Spanish while in Castilla means learning Spanish that's as close to the roots as you can get it; but everyone has an accent to someone else.  

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