My host mother has mentioned the open market before, but I didn't expect to get a chance to go to it so soon. The market happens every Thursday from 9 to 2, We took a field trip to the market during class to practice naming fruit, and to see how open markets work.
At first it seemed like things operated the same as at garage sales, but it became clear quickly that this was not accurate. Unless you are intending to buy, the vendors don't like you touching their wares. Also, if you're buying fruit, or anything from a vendor who only has one of each item, you don't touch the products. You stand in line, and when it's your turn, you tell them what you want, and they pull more out from behind the counter to give to you. The display is for display, and the actual products are behind the counter.
I thought that there would only be fruit and food products, but there was so much more than that. There were several tables full of clothes, mostly sweaters, underwear, and pajamas, several different shoe vendors, a couple tables of books, a couple of knicknacks, and then this marvelous cart. If you can't tell what the above picture is, those are bolts of fabric, and in the cart are all sorts of notions, buttons, and yarn. !!!
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