Saturday, January 19, 2013

Coca: From the roof

You can also see in to the center of the castle.  I thought this was interesting.  I had always thought that castles were one solid building.  If this is a typical castle (if there is such thing as a typical castle), there's an outer wall, then the castle itself.  The castle is like a donut around an open patio, full of rooms for living towards the insides, and more defense mechanisms towards the outside.  

From the top of the castle you can see the world's largest pine tree forest.


  1. I love your castle pictures, Melissa! :D It looks so cool. p.s. Is it cold in Spain?

    1. Yes! It's been around the low 40's, which isn't too bad, except we spend a lot of time outside, and it starts to get to you after a while

  2. Most historic buildings have a central courtyard for air circulation! I'm jealous roommate, I want to see a real castle!
